Dollars & Sense
Financially Speaking

Portfolio Diversification
Barry discusses talking heads, all-time stock market highs and corrections.
Portfolio Diversification
Barry discusses talking heads, all-time stock market highs and corrections.
Comprehensive Wealth Management
Barry discusses talking heads, all-time stock market highs and corrections.
Just Ride the Wave
Barry discusses talking heads, all-time stock market highs and corrections.
Patience is a Form of Action
“The longer that I’m in this business, I’m just kind of wondering if money is not in the Math department but it’s in the Psychology department.”
Stocks, Bonds, and Interests Rates…Oh My!
“The longer that I’m in this business, I’m just kind of wondering if money is not in the Math department but it’s in the Psychology department.”
Psychology and the Market
“The longer that I’m in this business, I’m just kind of wondering if money is not in the Math department but it’s in the Psychology department.”
Happy Independence Day!
“The support in the market is just growing confidence in the economy’s resilience. I think investors may be concluding that the economy has actually avoided a recession – which is a position that we’ve taken for quite some time.”
Social Security and Banks
“Consequently, the forecasts of the Social Security trust fund solvency are just moot. We might as well be monitoring the health of Thor or Godzilla or the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.”
Recession(s): Past, Present and Future?
“And after a dismal, dismal year last year; three quarters of negative losses – there’s a ray of hope. After I reviewed your portfolios, we saw returns for the fourth quarter that were positive 5 to 10%. Maybe that’s just the beginning of the turn. I don’t know. We don’t know about these things. But what I do know is that we’ve had recessions, we’ve endured recessions, we recover from recessions, we reaccumulate the lost wealth we have from recessions and I expect this to be exactly the same situation.” – BARRY M. CORKERN
Memory Lane and Merry Christmas
“My first ski trip just reminds me of the stock market and the financial markets for this year. It’s just been daunting. Ups and downs throughout the year.”
Independent, Fee-Only Fiduciary
How We Serve
As an independent, fee-only wealth manager and financial advisor, Corkern & Company is able to offer truly unbiased and objective financial advice. Using this structure allows our clients to keep and invest all of their hard-earned money while allowing us to work with only their best interests in mind.